August Schedule for Self Defense and Martial arts trainings
Self Defense and martial arts workshops and seminars are coming up starting this weekend! September and October's schedules will be up soon. My blogging prowess is .. in development! Here is what's on so far!
As I am my own editor, marketer, proofreader, layout person, etc.. I am certain there will be a 'glitch' or two. Anything you notice that needs tweaking, definitely let me know. If it's within my technical repetoire, I'll fix it. If not.. hopefully it's a) entertaining b) not too big of a snafu.
Blue Springs, MO: August 5 & 6
Freedom Fitness & Health
Saturday, Aug. 5th: Women's Self Defense 9am - 1pm
Target Time Defense
Sunday, Aug. 6. Self Defense for Anyone (co-ed) 1:30p - 3:30p
Seattle, WA:
MKG Seattle
Sat., Aug.12th 12 - 5:30pm: Women's Self Defense
Sunday, Aug. 13: Kali, JKD, Muay Thai (time/topic still in the works!)
Robbinsdale, MN: Bill's Gun Shop. Schedule is coming soon!
Minneapolis: Northeast Library- September 21 5:30pm 2200 Central Ave NE
MKG Madison: Oct. 14: Women's Self Defense
Mn Kali Group: Oct. 21: Women's Self Defense